In count 1 It was the prosecution’s assertion that the accused, in the month of September, 2023, at Elegu Town Council in Amuru District, stole cash money worth 3,400,000/= (three million four hundred thousand shillings the property of Mukonyezi Sam.
In count 2, it was the prosecution’s allegation that in the month of September, 2023, at Lorikwoo West village in Amuru District, the accused stole cash money worth 3,100,000/= (three million one hundred thousand only) the property of Tusiime Rehema.
In count 3, it was the prosecutions’ allegation that the accused, in the month of july, 2023 at Lorikwoo West village in Amuru District, stole money worth 1,300,000/= (ugx one million three hundred thousand only) the property of Opoli Patrick.
In Count 4, it was the prosecution’s allegation that the accused, on the 28th day of September, 2023 at Lorikwoo West Village in Amuru District stole cash money worth 1,650,000/= (one million six hundred fifty thousand only) the property of Lomo Steven.
When the changes were read to the Accused, he denied the charges and a plea of NOT GUILTY accordingly entered.
For the reasons given above, I find that the prosecution has proved counts 3 and 4 beyond reasonable doubts. Having found so, the accused is hereby found guilty of the charges of theft on counts 3 and 4 and
accordingly, convicted.
I am not satisfied with evidence adduced in respect of count 1 and count 2 and the accused is accordingly acquitted of the same.
Sentencing shall be done after hearing the prosecution and accused on Allocutus.
I so order.
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